Last year’s CDI Salary Survey opened with the remark that “[d]espite continually tightening margins for healthcare organizations, the 2022 CDI Salary Survey results show that no ground has been lost for CDI compensation.” A year...

SPONSORED - by Nuance

CDI is undergoing considerable changes, as seen in the fluidity of job roles, the adoption of remote work models, an uptick in retirements, and a trend of nurses not returning to their pre-pandemic CDI roles. Hospitals are revisiting and revising traditional reporting structures, increasingly...

SPONSORED - by 3M Health Information Systems

The ACDIS CDI Leadership Council exists to connect leaders nationwide (and even internationally!) for conversations about the hot topics and trends in the CDI industry. A smaller subset of the Council, the Mastermind group, provides participants with an opportunity for focused brainstorming and...
