Conference corner: The ACDIS team shares their “One Things”

CDI Blog - Volume 11, Issue 80

For the first time since its beginnings, the 2018 ACDIS Conference has a theme: “One thing.”

“We know that attending conferences means valuable time out of the office and out of pocket expenses, but if you can implement just ‘One Thing’ from the ACDIS conference, it pays for itself,” says ACDIS Director Brian Murphy. “That’s what the 11th annual conference theme is all about—and we can’t wait to share a whole host of ‘one things’ with our attendees!”

This week, the ACDIS team members wanted to share the “one thing” they’re looking forward to at this year’s conference. We hope to see you there and we’d love to hear what one thing you’re looking to take away from the conference!

  • “The one thing I’m most excited for at this year’s conference is seeing all my CDI friends and meeting the folks I’ve only communicated with over the phone for articles, etc. face-to-face!” says ACDIS Editor Linnea Archibald
  • “No matter how experienced the CDI specialist, physician champion, coder, or revenue expert you can walk away from the speaker sessions with some new way of looking at your program, some new idea for areas of assessment and improvement, or an identification of a (potential) problem that you didn’t even know you had. I have no doubt that there are certainly some instances where just ‘one thing’ that might not have previously been on your radar could end up covering the cost of admission and loss of man hours by orders of magnitude,” says CDI Education Specialist Allen Frady, RN-BSN, CCDS, CCS, CRC
  • “The ‘one thing’ I get out of the conference is passion. Attendees of the ACDIS Conference are the most passionate group of individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. Their passion for patient care, improving documentation, collaborating across the continuum of care, and networking with friends old and new is palpable. It sustains me throughout the year, until we meet again,” says ACDIS Associate Director, Membership and Product Development, Rebecca Hendren
  • “What is my conference ‘one thing?’ Seeing our CCDS certification holders and meeting new certification holders. Their excitement and enthusiasm is contagious, and I always come away from conference with renewed spirit and energy. So, how about it? Will you earn your CCDS in time for us to exchange a hug or a handshake in San Antonio?” says CCDS Coordinator Penny Richards
  • “Picking just ‘one thing’ to take home from the ACDIS national conference every year is like telling a kid in a candy store they only get to have one piece of chocolate. ‘One thing’ I truly value about the ACDIS national conference is the comradery. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first time attending or your 11th, whether you come with a cadre of coworkers or flying solo, whether you’re a physician, coder, nurse, CFO, or physical therapist—you are welcome here. Nearly every attendee is looking forward to meeting you, talking to you, hearing about your program, and sharing information about their program with you. It’s why so many come back year after year. It’s why strangers leave here as friends and why those friendships end up paying networking dividends all year long,” says ACDIS Associate Editorial Director Melissa Varnavas
  •  “I look at the conference as a ‘professional recharge.’ We immerse ourselves in an environment of smart, driven, and talented professionals who all share a passion for CDI. Your batteries recharge, and the conference sends you home with an increased pride in what you do and a new drive to grow and improve, to perform better and more effectively,” says CDI Education Director Laurie Prescott, RN, MSN, CCDS, CDIP, CRC
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ACDIS Guidance, Education

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